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Full Body Pleasure 
A Masterclass

January 12, 2024     6.00pm BST

 Open and melt your way into a purely sensorial experience to touch the limitless depths of your joy! 


Are you ready to plunge into the depths of ecstasy, pleasure and joy, Goddess?

Does this sound familiar, my love

You're struggling to find time just for you to fully let go

You feel disconnected from your body, your pleasure, your joy

But it's hard to just switch gears from 'on-the-go' Queen to self-love Goddess in just a few hours...

You crave to feel more, you know there is so much more you can melt into

More pleasure, more peace, more joy!

Imagine this, Goddess...

You're feeling the pulse of every breath moving through you

You feel the tantalising tingles of joyful new sensations running through your body

You feel at ease, you feel at home, right in the moment!

You sink into the slow pleasure of just being!

You feel a deep connection and union with your body, it creates a euphoric sensation all through you

Are you feeling the call yet, Goddess?

This masterclass was especially designed to re-connect you with your body, your pleasure, your deepest joy! 

Are you ready to melt into pleasure, the feminine way?

Become Unshakable Masterclass Bundle

  1. How to stop overthinking

  2. Shifting negative thoughts to positive affirmations

  3. How to let go of the past and move forward

  4. How to shift fear into personal power

  5. How to turn your desires into destiny

    Experience true and limitless freedom. 


Your Guide to Personal Transformation and Freedom


Hi, I'm Shangkari, I'm a Spiritual Teacher,  Mentor and Healer.   


I help deeply passionate and courageous women cultivate the right practices for self-transformation and mastery.


Ultimately, I believe, how you are determines who you are, and what you are capable of! 

When you understand the mechanism that governs life, living becomes a natural transformative and evolutionary process. You live consciously, responsibly and in collaboration with life, instead of being at the mercy of circumstances, past experiences, or your emotions. That is true Freedom! 

Borrowing from the ageless wisdom of Victor Frankl: 

"Between what happens to you, and your reaction to it, there is a space where you have the ability to choose how you respond."

My programs are all about empowering you to develop your ability to strengthen this inner Freedom, and thereby make your life a conscious product of your choices and decisions. 


Success is holistic! It is within your power to be successful in every area of your life.  

I have now put together a transformative self-actualisation program titled


                   The Anchored Feminine  


It is a 6-week, potent self-development program designed to guide you through all the stages of transformation, from healing and developing emotional resilience to the final stage of self-actualisation, where you will feel confident and ready to unleash your power and become the Conscious Creator of your Destiny.  The Freedom that we all seek is, in all actually, the freedom of our expansive spirit. unfettered by emotional compulsions, anxiety and most importantly from merely being lumbered by the ups and downs of life without being able to consciously influence how we face and embrace them. 

The Anchored Feminine is the most comprehensive and advanced tool for Self-Actualisation combining the best practices in mindset work, healing, and personal development.

If there is something you desire with all your heart, whether that is happiness, love, success,  long-lasting relationships or abundance - the formula, the method is the same.

Whatever you have the creativity to conceive you have the capacity to create. The question is are you ready to claim it as yours?


Dr. Shangkari Balenderan, PhD

Personal Development Mentor 

Why choose me to support you on your journey? 

“We don't work on just having the right mindset, we help you find Who YOU Truly Are. I help you get in touch with your inner Wisdom and Resource. 
Positive mindset and habits, through useful are often temporary. They are still constructs of the mind. While they help us through a phase in our journey, the positive habits we cultivate often don't work after a time, because we have outgrown them. 
This is when we find ourselves afraid and alone. We even try to hold on to tools and methods that don't work for us any longer. Because we're too afraid to step into the unknown and seek the true wisdom that comes from our deepest Self.
Choosing us to support you, is choosing a path that doesn't rely on external concepts, however well meaning. We guide you to finding your Self, and we help you tap into the unlimited and unconditional resource that resides in the very Core of Your Being. 
These sessions and programs are bespoke, designed to fully support you on your journey of Self-Discovery and Actualisation. So you lead a life that is truly nourishing, fulfilling and abundant!”
“Without this wonderful, kind, compassionate and intelligent lady's help, I would probably still be a very wounded and fragile person who was too scared for her Self to come forth. But with Shangkari Balenderan's help, guidance, care and so much more, I have undergone great healing and Sacred Work”

Priya, UK

Pooja, Peterborough

“That's why I met you, Shangkari. I didn't know that I needed you but I knew that I needed to change my life and that I needed help"

Edna, London

"This has to be at the top of my spiritual time investment list. Cannot recommend it enough!"

Lisa, Huntingdon

“Thanks you Shangkari for helping me find ME.”
Pink Sugar

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